Fall is officially here! I’m so excited! And it means I should start digging up (and posting) some of my go-to Seasonal Recipes… like a Classic Pecan Pie! So there are at least 8 different ways to pronounce this type of pie… to me it is: [pi:kn] with stress on the second syllable (“pee-KAHN”). Actually…
Save The Tomato Juice… Make Tomato Water?
I’m not crazy. I just can’t stand wasting things. This summer, I’ve been lucky enough to peel and chop up a lot of tomatoes from Dad’s garden. Most have been made into bruschetta, where I seed (remove seeds and goo) before I chop. The whole cutting process leaves a lot of juice on the board……
Playing in the Kitchen: My 1st Beer Jelly
So I’ve recently taken an interest in canning. And when you 1st start out, Jams and Jellies are the way to go. So far I’ve been able to can a Triple Berry Jam and a Peach Jam… so Beer Jelly is the next logical step. Well, at least for me it is! I decided to…
Playing in the Kitchen: Sage & Rosemary QUICK Pickles
It’s Left-Handers Day! Who knew? In honor of Left-Handers everywhere, I though it more than appropriate to share my Quick Pickle recipe. Namely because when I photographed them, I didn’t realize me recent left-handedness was glaringly obvious. Can’t you tell? Holding a Pyrex measuring cup with your left hand means reading the metric measurements. Such…
Playing in the Kitchen: My Favorite Bruschetta
If you’re lucky, summertime means fresh tomatoes from the garden! If you don’t have a garden/green thumb, maybe you have family or neighbors who do. Your local Farmers Market is probably bursting at the seams with tomatoes, too. I’m a little finicky and don’t really like biting into a tomato like and apple… I like…
Playing in the Kitchen: Toasted Coconut Pecan Treats
Crispy treats seem to be the name of the game this week. First I see Jeff make some goo-balls on Chopped All Stars … then Bakerella posts her version hours later, which were inspired by these treats at Smitten Kitchen. They have reminded me of the cereal treats I made for edible gifts last Christmas…
Easter Lunch- Pork Tenderloin with Balsamic Strawberries
My neighbor invited me over for East lunch and served this Southern Living Pork Tenderloin. It was delicious! Ever since I tried the Alton Brown Pork Tenderloin, I’ve been hooked on the grilling method for this cut of meat. Another recipe to add to my arsenal! Print Pork Tenderloin with Balsamic Strawberries Prep Time 15…
Playing in the Kitchen: Toasting Coconut
My website is in the middle of a good face-lift/restructuring*. In the meantime, enjoy a great kitchen tip: How to toast coconut! Toasted Coconut adds a little bit of class to your desserts. It is a great way to make up for a lack of cake decorating skills, turning an ordinary white cake into something…
Playing in the Kitchen: Cranberry Sauce
Forget the can. If you have enough kitchen prowess to make Top Ramen or a Box of Kraft Mac & Cheese, you can make your Cranberry Sauce from scratch. Seriously. It’s so easy. And adding the words “from scratch” makes anything you serve 1000x more impressive. This time of year, you can find bags of…
Reasons to love FALL (Christmas, you wait you turn!)
Do not be fooled by the Christmas commercials on TV or the unexpected snow fall around the country. It is FALL! Full of some of my favorite yearly things, including but not limited to the following: Seasonal Beer Fall means the weather is getting cooler an the beer is getting darker. Excellent! Some of my…