Do not be fooled by the Christmas commercials on TV or the unexpected snow fall around the country. It is FALL! Full of some of my favorite yearly things, including but not limited to the following:
Seasonal Beer Fall means the weather is getting cooler an the beer is getting darker. Excellent! Some of my personal favorites are St Arnold’s Oktoberfest and Dogfish Head Punkin. -*I strongly encourage supporting Craft Breweries-
Roasting may be my favorite method of cooking… oven is at 400 degrees+ and food gets a yummy char/caramelized deliciousness. Roast chicken, turkey, potatoes, and even broccoli and green beans!
Sage and Pumpkin and Cranberries, oh my! Ah, the flavors of fall. You should eat “seasonally” because the food tastes the best when it is in season. Stores usually have A LOT on hand, so it is cheap too. Here is a list of healthy fall produce.
Just cool enough Not to hot and not to cold. Pants and a Sweatshirt is just right… and cool enough at night for a blanket. When the weather gets to cold, I never want to get out of bed or even leave the house… I just want to hibernate.
Soup! Salads are for summer. Fall and winter means it is time for SOUP! It keeps you warm and is very filling for not a lot ton of broth soups. And despite my name, I recommend steering clear of canned soup! It is SO EASY and INEXPENSIVE to make it from scratch. Once you start making your own, you feel silly for every buying it from a can.
Here are a couple great soup recipes:
Mimi’s Corn Chowder
Best Cream of Broccoli
Leaves Leaves are changing pretty colors! And then falling to the ground… you don’t have to throw them in the trash… put them in the compost pile!
Thanksgiving A Holiday centered around food, family, and being grateful for the things you have. All of my favorite things!
Football & Basketball Sorry, but the Houston Astros were a bit of a let down this Summer. But the Texans are making things quite exciting this Fall! The Rockets season has started as well, but we have not been able to view ANY game because ComCast is blocking all home and away games for non-cable-subscribers. YAY Texans. Boo Comcast.
Is there anything I am forgetting?
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