Sometimes your meal plan revolves around this notion: What do we have in the fridge that will probably go bad if we don’t use it soon? This week, that something was Cilantro. Create a whole dinner around a 30 cent bunch of herbs? Why not. Especially when there are limes lying around that need to…
Playing in the Kitchen: Dog Food Cookies
Today in Texas, the forecast says partly cloudy, with a high of 90 degrees. 90. Yes. And it’s still March! With heat like that, the though of turning on the oven is less than desirable. To the rescue: Dog Food Cookies! Don’t let the name scare you. Dog Food Cookies are a great NO-BAKE chocolate…
Playing in the Kitchen: Mimi’s Cafe Corn Chowder
For those who haven’t heard of it: Mimi’s Cafe is a French style chain restaurant that seemed to be everywhere when I lived in the Southwestern part of the US, nowhere when I lived on the East Coast, and hour+ drive away here in Texas. So my trips there have been rare since living in…
Playing in the Kitchen: Last Minute Pumpkin-Spice Muffins
Okay. I’ll share my secret recipe for Pumpkin-Spice Muffins. It’s super simple, so much so it can barely be called a recipe. They’re moist, flavorful, and you can whip some up in a jiffy. AND… …They only take 2 ingredients. Total. Mix 2 ingredients together and bake. That’s it! 1 Can 100% Pumpkin + 1…
Playing in the Kitchen: Homemade Pizza Dough (On the Grill!)
Grilled Pizza. If I had a food truck, I’d definitely want to sell this. Cost of ingredients are fairly low, cooking time is reasonably short, and it tastes delicious! It reminds me a little bit of cooking Pizza in a brick oven. It’s cooked at a high heat for a short amount of time, and…
Playing in the Kitchen: Cinnamon Raisin Bread
Look at me, I made a loaf of bread! After making the Macaroni Grill Bread, I decided I wanted to try again, with a difference recipe, and make more of an everyday bread. After scouring the Food Network and Martha Stewart websites (to no avail) I went to The Pioneer Woman. And found a recipe…
Playing in the Kitchen: Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies
This recipe, from my grandma, makes wonderfully soft sugar cookies. Not just “not crunchy” or “chewy” but seriously SOFT. And delicious. What sets this recipe apart from your standard sugar cookie is the soured cream. No, not Sour Cream (save that for your enchiladas). These cookies call for Heavy Cream that has soured. Don’t worry,…
Playing In The Kitchen: Romano’s Macaroni Grill Bread
If you can’t grow ANYTHING, you should try growing rosemary. This herb needs very little attention, and grows like a weed. And then you can bake this bread! Ok, so the recipe I found in my Food Network Magazine called for dried rosemary, which I might have in my pantry (but if I do, it’s…
Playing in the Kitchen: Chocolate Pixies
Sometimes you are just in the mood for a good Chocolate Cookie … put you polished off that box of Thin Mints yesterday … and ate the last few Oreos the day before. Oh No! What do you do?! Well, these Chocolate Pixies are a perfect save! They are very easy to make; you don’t…
Playing in the Kitchen: Lemon Cake Pie
Golden brown on top. Then a spongy cakey layer. Then a gooey lemony layer. And crust too.This pie is definitely a family favorite, and the recipe has been passed down for several generations (on my mom’s side). Here is the original recipe, as written in my Grandma’s Cookbook: Line a pie pan with crust. Take…