It’s true… many people these days do not stop to watch commercials. The advent of the DVR has made television commercial spots a finicky form of conveying your advertising message. BUT… sometimes commercials are unavoidable, or maybe you forget that you can fast forward through them.
If you have watched the Food Network anytime in the past YEAR, or any daytime television program on network cable for that matter, you may have seen a direct-to-customer ad for Debbie Meyer Green Bags. Their website claims that, when you store your fruits and veggies in these bags, they will stay fresher longer… by absorbing the ethylene gas that is naturally given off by the fruits/veggies. The commercial itself is quite funny (as most As-Seen-On-TV product commercials are)… she opens the door to her fridge and it is PACKED completely full of Green Bags
, each brimming with perfectly fresh looking produce. Though the commercial did not prompt us to call and order Debbies wonderful bags, their existence did remain the heads of my parents…. soooo when they saw a display of the “official” Green Bags
at the local Kroger, they decided to try some (classic marketing strategy by Debbie, BTW).
This isnt the first time we have experimented with As Seen on TV products… we have had great success with some (my dad loves his Flowbee) and not so much with others (the Eggstractor
is a POS). We decided to test the new found Green Bags
with bananas… and a week later this is what we saw:

Pretty cool…. considering my family buys a lot of banannas, usually just a couple too many, making us the proud owners of many a brown/VERY ripe banana. Although the ripe ripe bananas make the best banana bread (recipe to come), now we should have more yellow bananas around for snacking and my favorite sandwich: Peanut butter, banana, and honey. Yum!
Side note: We tried a second bag of tomatoes, and some did start to rot inside. I told my mom that the bags only claim to extend the life of veggies, not make them live forever 😛
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