I was so excited to receive my 2nd set of Penguin Push Pins in the mail this week! They are the handmade creations of Peg from Peg’s Boards on ETSY. I received my 1st set of Penguin Push Pins via an ETSY Suprise Swap several years ago. These new ones look like they have googly…
Deals and Finds
Fix. Your. Photos.
It’s the 21st Century. You most likely have access to a digital camera and a computer. So please please put a few extra moments into making you photos worth posting. This plea mainly goes out the ETSY shop owners and Ebay sellers of the world… your photos are such a critical component to the buyer’s…
Free Curly Fries @ Arbys
The first time I went to an In-n-Out, I didn’t eat there. I went across the parking lot, got food from Arby’s and brought food back to eat with my family at this place I hadn’t heard of before. I still love Arby’s. And food coupons. Yay! Print out this coupon for a free drink…
A FREE Trip to the Zoo (and other fun Museums)
I love going to zoos. Growing up, I would go to the Phoenix and San Diego Zoos (setting maybe my expectations a bit high). The Bronx Zoo is pretty amazing too. My roommate in Hoboken insisted it was the best, but I said San Diego was. We agreed to disagree and that adults shouldn’t fight…
Etsy purchase: Plum Preserves Crazy Quilt Earrings
I just got these earrings in the mail today, and I must say they are just lovely! They are the creation of That Old Blue House on Etsy. The shop specialized in making jewelry out of vintage quilts, lace and other items. I had some X-mas money from my sister earmarked for Etsy accessories… so…
As Seen on TV: Perfect Brownie Pan
Admit it, you love those cheesy commercials! Usually “as seen on TV” type things are good concepts, but the actual product is a bit lacking in quality. If you’re like me, you’re tempted to call in, but usually don’t… knowing you could probably find the item at the nearest Bed Bath and Beyond or Dollar…
Dollar Store Challenge
A little fact that many of you may not realize… in Texas, there are Dollar Stores EVERYWHERE. Almost to the point of being rediculous. When I lived in California, I can remember there being one in the mall… I dont remember one in NYC (though maybe I just wasnt looking for it)…. NOW I pass…
As Seen on TV: Big City Slider Station
This special kind of marketing still exists… direct from TV to customer. Now adays though, you can usually find “as seen on TV” products in retail and grocery stores. My dad saw the commercial for the Big City Slider Station and decided he wanted to try it… turned into a gag-Christmas present. (Side Note: Which…
As Seen on TV: Debbie Meyer Green Bags
It’s true… many people these days do not stop to watch commercials. The advent of the DVR has made television commercial spots a finicky form of conveying your advertising message. BUT… sometimes commercials are unavoidable, or maybe you forget that you can fast forward through them. If you have watched the Food Network anytime in…
Tulips and Frogs
I love fresh cut flowers, having them in a room always seems to bringten things up. AND I was lucky enough to find some fabulous tulips at 11pm the night before mothers day! (My usual shift gets me out of work at around 11, so technically I wasnt procrastinating…) Since I bought the flowers and…