If you’re lucky, summertime means fresh tomatoes from the garden! If you don’t have a garden/green thumb, maybe you have family or neighbors who do. Your local Farmers Market is probably bursting at the seams with tomatoes, too. I’m a little finicky and don’t really like biting into a tomato like and apple… I like…
Stupidly Easy Corn-on-the-Cob
Corn on the Cob on sale, 6 for $1! Just in time for 4th of July barbeque merriment. And ever since I saw this YouTube clip for cooking the cobs in the microwave (husks and all), I knew I just had to try it out. Could cooking and shucking an ear of corn really be…
These tomatoes can peel themselves. Practically.
It’s tomato season! Half a dozen just came in from the garden yesterday. And I know I’m not the only person who won’t just bite into a tomato like an apple. I like them peeled, with all of that seed-gooky-stuff taken out. Last year I tried the age old tip to remove the peels. It’s…
Playing in the Kitchen: Toasted Coconut Pecan Treats
Crispy treats seem to be the name of the game this week. First I see Jeff make some goo-balls on Chopped All Stars … then Bakerella posts her version hours later, which were inspired by these treats at Smitten Kitchen. They have reminded me of the cereal treats I made for edible gifts last Christmas…
Playing in the Kitchen: Toasting Coconut
My website is in the middle of a good face-lift/restructuring*. In the meantime, enjoy a great kitchen tip: How to toast coconut! Toasted Coconut adds a little bit of class to your desserts. It is a great way to make up for a lack of cake decorating skills, turning an ordinary white cake into something…
Playing in the Kitchen: Cranberry Sauce
Forget the can. If you have enough kitchen prowess to make Top Ramen or a Box of Kraft Mac & Cheese, you can make your Cranberry Sauce from scratch. Seriously. It’s so easy. And adding the words “from scratch” makes anything you serve 1000x more impressive. This time of year, you can find bags of…
Pinned it. Did it. – Re-grow Romaine Lettuce
This is one of the 1st Pins mom ever saw once she discovered what “Pinterest” was. In theory, you can RE-GROW romaine lettuce. Just cut off the base and leave it in a dish of water. Tried it. And this is what you get after about 3 days: So technically, yes, it does work. But…
Playing in the Kitchen: Dog Food Cookies
Today in Texas, the forecast says partly cloudy, with a high of 90 degrees. 90. Yes. And it’s still March! With heat like that, the though of turning on the oven is less than desirable. To the rescue: Dog Food Cookies! Don’t let the name scare you. Dog Food Cookies are a great NO-BAKE chocolate…
Playing in the Kitchen: Mimi’s Cafe Corn Chowder
For those who haven’t heard of it: Mimi’s Cafe is a French style chain restaurant that seemed to be everywhere when I lived in the Southwestern part of the US, nowhere when I lived on the East Coast, and hour+ drive away here in Texas. So my trips there have been rare since living in…
Baking contest with AWESOME Prizes…
Ok, maybe I’m a little biased. Do you have a recipe that uses caramel and white chocolate? Enter it in the “20 Going on 80” Iron Chef competition for a chance to win a custom etched pan from Name That Pan (InMyLife on ETSY) (and other great prizes)! Recipes must be submitted by March 5th….