Sorry I disappeared there for a little bit. I have been a bit busy. In a good way.
This was they 1st holiday season for my ETSY shop, Things went surprisingly well considering I do not do an overwhelming amount of promotion for it. I have been focusing on etched bakeware, and been delighted by the positive response I receive about them. One customer told me she received on of my pans as a wedding present and she was so delighted, she wanted to order one for every member of her family! Though it was borderline overwhelming at some points this past holiday season, they are still fun for me to make and the positive reactions I receive from people who receive them make it all worth while. I couldn’t have made it through without my family’s help too… from packing up boxes to store trips for supplies and local order drop-offs, it really was a team effort! And now we’ll have a better idea of what to expect for the 2012 Holiday rush.

Since things have started to settle down a bit, I plan to focus a little more time on my blog. Maybe give it a little makeover and definitely start posting more regularly. I’m good at taking pictures of the things I do, from crafts to cooking to tours, but I am not so great at getting them uploaded to my blog.
I have also recently discovered Pinterest. (Yes, I am a little late to the party) To me, it is a mix between StumbleUpon and Tumblr. I see so many great ideas there, and I want to be able to share my ideas and tips too! When I first logged on, I saw that my post on Grandma’s Stain Spray and already been “pinned” by a TON of people (that really is some great stain-fighting stuff). It was inspiring to see, and inspiration to start posting my ideas again. I think I still prefer StumbleUpon at the moment, but Pinterest may be growing on me.
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the Internet! Look for more exciting pots in the very near future!
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