Grandma Campbell’s stain spray is so simple to make. And saved my favorite shirt. Okay. One of my favorite shirts. It has penguins on it and I’m sure I’ll be wearing it for many years to come. The first time I wore the shirt (FIRST. TIME.) I managed to spill a huge drop of olive…
Grow Things You’d Want to Eat
This following is visual proof of two things. 1) The $1 Bin section at Target is a fun place 2) Anyone can grow Chives. If I can make something grow, so can you. It always feels silly to buy herbs at the store… They’re a little expensive, I rarely use a whole bunch anyways, and…
Freeze Your Jeans , Save The World
Is your freezer full of pants? Well, according to Apartment Therapy, it should be. ABC news has studied this concept too. Apparently, if you freeze your jeans instead of washing them, it will kill just as much bacteria as throwing them through the washer/dryer. Not only saving the integrity of your denim, this method also…
The 1-Handed Egg Crack
This is how to open an egg using one hand… leaving the other hand gook free. You can also use your other hand as a nifty egg-separator! Tip: The easiest way to separate an egg is with you hand: gently catch the yolk and let the whites fall between your fingers
I can spell Bologna. Why?
It’s never a boring day with the Wienermobile rolls into town! It’s a shame I did not have a better camera with me.
The CPSIA -or- Why I do not sell baby clothes on Etsy
I enjoy making baby Onesies very much. From a crafter perspective, they are very cute and are a small project that can be completed in an evening. From a business perspective, baby clothes are something that people will always spend money on. Stuff for babies and stuff for pets. Cute stuff, which is what I…
This Rocked My Pi World
I love math. I think it’s beautiful and interesting. It’s problem solving that leads to answers. And it’s so satisfying to reach a definite conclusion after working a single problem on an entire sheet of college ruled notebook paper. My math mind stops somewhere after beginners calculus (or as GW calls it “Calculus for Business…
Are You a Good Egg?
A quick lesson in cooking: Test your eggs before you use them! Drop egg in a glass or bowl full of water. If it… * Sinks to the bottom and stays there, it is about three to six days old. * Sinks, but floats at an angle, it’s more than a week old. * Sinks,…
Snowdrops in Texas
No. I am not talking about the weather. On Thursday, my mom and I watched an interesting segment on The Martha Stewart Show about Snowdrop Plants. They’re pretty little flowers that are one of the first to start growing after a long winter, even if there is still snow on the ground. Well, it rarely…
Free Curly Fries @ Arbys
The first time I went to an In-n-Out, I didn’t eat there. I went across the parking lot, got food from Arby’s and brought food back to eat with my family at this place I hadn’t heard of before. I still love Arby’s. And food coupons. Yay! Print out this coupon for a free drink…