Is it narcissistic to have your name in your domain name? No No No, I say! And I’m not the only one… here’s another viral blog list of people like me who creatively (or not) incorporate their name into their domain.
I found this list on a random site while searching for a way to add domain search to my website, CMC Sites. PS thanks Google for sending me to a page that had nothing to do with what I needed… instead providing another distraction from getting real work accomplished. But I digress.
Here you go:
The Rules
To be included on this list, the author’s name has to be included in the domain name. You don’t have to have your full name in the domain, just your first or last name somewhere & Subdomains don’t count. Also, it does not count if your blog is hosted on a free site (free site= lack of commitment!).
The Instructions
***Start Copying Here***
1) Write a short introduction paragraph about how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2) COPY the ENTIRE list below and add it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, you can change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog. Add your site to “My Originals.”
3) Take “My Adds” and move them into the “My Originals” list.
4) Add the site you copied this list from into the “My Originals” list
5) Add 3 Brand New Narcissistic Bloggers that you know of
My Adds:
Lindsay Fincher
Will Young
Ryan Hughes
My Originals:
Bill Hartzer
Jim Boykin
Jaan Kanellis
Gary Lee
Ed Lau
John Chow
Nate Whitehill
Stephen Fung
Michael Kwan
Jeff Kee
Stuart Hannig
Hannes Johnson
Jimi Morrison
Nathan Drach
Saman Sadeghi
Derek Semmler
Kelly Cho
***Stop Copying Here***
Pass it on
Thanks for continuing the domain name train. If you’re a member of MyBlogLog, be sure to jump in on the MyBlogLog link train as well.
Keep up the good work on your site!