I didn’t recognise her at first because she married and changed last names… but Sabrina Sloan (maiden name Sabrina Scherff) is definitely an MVHS alumni.

Back in High School, I was one of the few people in the Drama Club that was not in Drama… many of my good friends were, and I ushered at many performances to support them. MVHS has a brillant Drama department, always full of talented people on stage and behind the scenes (My good friend Marla was a top notch Stage Manager, and my Sr. Prom date Dereck was Bernardo in the 1999 Spring Musical West Side Story).
Sabrina was 2 years ahead of me but was very active in Drama. I remember her very well, she has a voice you can’t quite forget (and now the world knows it!) Sabrina played an awesome Dorothy in Spring 1997 Musical THE WIZ. Now Sabrina is in the TOP 24, oh my! I am so happy to see that she is going places, and wish her the best of luck on American Idol!
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