As you may have heard, I was contacted by UniversalMcCann a couple weeks ago… the HR girl that originally interviewd me at Ziff Davis now works at UniveralMcCann (the media-buying arm of McCannWorldgroup), where she did the exit interview for my friend Kelly. Apparently, the HR rep was laid off at Ziff, but still “keeps in contact” with Ziff employees. Well, she had me come in and interview for the position of Traffic Analyst for their Interactive group… silly me I thought such a position would involve some sort of analysis element. After 2 hours at UMi I learned the position was no more than trafficking ads (like I do now) and compilying reports (like I do now)… except I would be the only trafficker at UMi (aka LOTs more work).
Earlier this week I was offered the job. Today, I offically declined the offer. It was actually an easy decision when it came down to it… only a couple days of over-analyizing the pros and cons (as opposed to a couple of weeks). In the end, I reasoned that taking the job would only dig me further into the hole of ad trafficking… the very hole that I am trying to get myself out of. The job would have meant more money, but I am choosing personal well-being over a larger paycheck. I want to work on a team managing an account for a specific client. And I’m too young to give up on what will make me happy (maybe if I hit 30 I’ll settle for a job that will just pay the bills). Most importantly, the Traffic Analyst position has no clear career path/growth opportunity. It’s adult time now, and I have to accept the fact I need a career, not just a string of jobs.
Not taking the job at UMi doesn’t mean I am going to stay at Ziff for all of eternity. I am getting involved in AWNY, networking, and even have a lunch with Stephanie Kugelman next week (Vice Chairman, Chief Strategy Officer of Young and Rubicam, oh my!)… still plenty of opportunity out there… just need to find that right company with a job that will let me shine 😀
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