One of the few happy memmories from my camp consulor days at Timber Tops (summer 2002) was the second session color wars… the camp is divided into 4 teams, throws the daily routine aside and competes in various events. What made it so awesome was the theme… HARRY POTTER. The head staff went all out, totally convertered the dining hall into the Great Hall… complete with 4 long tables, candles and twinkel lights… and there was an official sorting ceremony! I was sorted into the Ravenclaw house, and thinking about it, that is TOTALLY the house I would be in if I went to Hogwarts 😀
If you’ve a ready mind
Where those of wit and learning
Will always find their kind.
You know you are a bit too excited about the new Harry Potter release (TOMORROW) when you sit at work and wonder what Houses the people you know would be sorted into… I definitly can think of friends that would fit perfectly into Gryffindor, Slytherin and Huffleuff 😉
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