Happy National Can-It-Forward Day!
When I made and canned some Jam this last week, I had no idea National Can-It-Forward Day was right around a corner… honestly I didn’t know there was such a day. But it is the perfect time of year to celebrate caning. Summer is coming to a close, and we want to save/preserve all of season’s berries and vegetables. My Great-Grandma lived in Oregon and canned Blackberry Jam. I can remember bring home mason jars by the case full when we went to visit…and I love the thought of carrying on family traditions.
Ball says celebrate by hosting a Canning Party! I’m too late to throw one together… but the suggested recipe to use their Mixed Berry Jam recipe. That, coincidently, is the recipe I used for my Jam! It is also the 1st time I’ve ever made jam and canned anything by myself. So I know I “know what to do” when making this jam for a Canning Party… or what NOT to do. Oh dear.
Even more exciting is the Event this morning in Union Square Green Market (Manhattan). It’s an event to share the joy of preserving food, with special guest Ted Allen!! If I still lived in the NYC area, I would definitely be there.
Luckily, there is a live Broadcast of the event available via the Ball® caning website!
Here is the schedule of events to watch… starting at 10am Eastern.
10:00am-10:45am: Jam making and water bath canning demo by Jessica Piper
10:45am-11:00am: Craft Corner with Jordan DeFrank
11:00am-11:45am: Pickles Demo by Rick Fields
11:45am-12:00pm: Craft Corner with Jordan DeFrank
12:00pm-1:00pm: Special Guest Host Ted Allen canning and cooking demo
1:00pm-1:15pm: Cocktails in Ball Jars hosted by Mason Jar NYC Restaurant
1:15pm-2:00pm: Jam making and water bath canning demo by Jessica Piper (repeated)
I work odd hours and am usually asleep during this time… but maybe I’ll just lie in bed and watch on my little Tablet 😀 I hope they record the broadcast… just in case I fall asleep. And I’m sure that there are many more canners/food preservers that would love to see the re-runs too.
If you are going to a canning party today, I hope you have loads of fun! Or try making a simple recipe at home… once you start canning, you may never want to stop.
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