One day, as I perused my Facebook News Feed, I saw a post from Fresh Modern Fabics (an ETSY shop I’ve ordered fabric from). The photo of beautiful “modern” quilting fabric was a call to action from the Boston Modern Quilt Guild. Anyone who wanted to could send in a quilt squares, and the Guild would assemble them into finished quilts to donate to those affected by the bombings.
The Modern Quilt Guild in Boston started receiving quilt blocks from around the world! The requirements were simple (use blues yellows white and grey and make a block 12 1/2″ tall). This left a lot of room for creative people to quilt their hearts out. One guild member told me “the most interesting block we have received is one with a large pair of hands holding a unicorn head :)” Oh my!
I sent in 2 (at the last minute, of course). I definitely needed the practice piecing blocks, and it was all for a good cause, which made the [time consuming] process very satisfying.
There is a Flikr Group set up for people to post their squares. It’s very inspiring for anyone looking for a new/modern block to add to their next quilting project.
It is also heart warming to see all of the blocks come together into unique quilts to donate. A true reminder that shared tragedy can bring out the best in people.
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