Today is Easter. Yay!
Today is also the last day of National Craft Month. Aww.
I hope everyone has been inspired to create something new this March, whether it is picking up a previously abandoned project, brushing up on some of your old favorite skills, or trying your hand at a new craft. I’ve dabbled in a few different projects this past month (the polite way of saying some I’ve finished, some I haven’t, and some I’ve finished but have turned out a bit wonky looking. Oh dear.)
Of course, I have been doing some Glass Etching for my Etsy Shop.
I’ve also made some more cute baby onesies… I seriously have 4 or 5 friends all due at any moment. And they are all having boys. Jeepers. I really need to get smart and just make extras to be prepared for the next baby boom.
I’ve also revisited my Alpha Phi Omega T-shirt Quilt… it just didn’t seem right to cut up my official Letters, so I recreated them out of leftover t-shirt material and fabric swatches. The sewing machine is out. All of the squares have been cut. Now it’s just a matter of sewing them all together!
Late December I decided to teach myself how to knit. Operation Gratitude and relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy were asking for scarves, and the go to for yarn fashion always seems to be knit. As a crochet-er, knitting had always been a mysterious, illusive thing. But I signed up for Ravelry, watched lots of YouTube videos, and invested in some bamboo needles. So far my scarves look a little homemade, but that is just an excuse to practice more!
March was for knitting dishcloths. They are small enough to carry around and work on in my spare time. Though I have found that knitting in public attracts attention, as in people getting up close and personal to see what I am doing and ask me if I am pregnant. We’re talking crowded New York subway car close. This is what ladies must feel like when strangers want to touch their pregnant bellies. Geesh.
I hope everyone has had a fun crafting month, and will keep creating the rest of the year! I definitely intend to, especially since my jeans are getting a little snug. That is usually the sign to focus less on desserts and more on art projects. Oh dear.
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