Yes. It is true. You can decoupage a pumpkin. Mod Podge + Fabric. Fabulous. Mod Podge is basically watered down Elmer’s glue. You brush it on, apply strip of fabric, and brush another layer over the fabric and repeat around the whole pumpkin. I’ve done this with paper before, but never fabric, and never on…
Coffee Filter Flower Breakdown
A rose for mom. That I made. Out of coffee filters. Seriously! There is already a fabulous photo step-by-step tutorial available on Crafster. SarahJSaturday made such a beautiful bouquet; I could not believe they weren’t real and, in fact, coffee filters. I originally found the bouquet via a post on Dollar Store Crafts. Amazing. BUT….
The Birthday Treat Bag, All Grown Up
When we were young, we left birthday parties with a plastic treat bag of excitement… filled with candy, little games and fake tattoos. Then we started growing up, and somewhere in our 20’s leaving a birthday party now meant a cab ride and a hangover the next morning. When I handed my friends a treat…
Craft Month: New Life into Old T-Shirts
I have a million T-shirts. Shocking, I know… the collection just grows and grows, and it’s so hard to part with them… the little reminders of events I attended, projects I volunteered for, organizations I was a part of, and those clever saying ones I am probably to old to be wearing out in public…